I’m having issues play testing my project in UE 4.15 on Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11. I’m currently working on a virtual tour for my college internship, and everything works fine (including simulate in engine), except when I play test the level (in editor AND standalone), the viewport becomes black and stays that way until I stop the play test. This was not happening on any other version of the engine for me. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this issue?
Same issue here - also UE 4.15 on Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11
Also when it’s packaged for Mac
I just fixed it by changing “Max. Metal Shader Standard To Target” to "Metal v1.2 (10.12.0+). It is under Project Settings > Platforms > Mac > Rendering
You’re right, it worked! Thanks!
The graphics don’t seem to look as nice after changing the rendering and fixing the black screen. Did this happen to you all?
No, the graphics are fine on my end.
it workedd for me a month ago. but now this fix does not work anymore