When I export a game with the third person template to my phone, it works fine. But if I change the character to a
custom one, the screen goes black on the phone.
I already checked the default gamemode and the default map.
I appreciate any help
When I export a game with the third person template to my phone, it works fine. But if I change the character to a
custom one, the screen goes black on the phone.
I already checked the default gamemode and the default map.
I appreciate any help
In order to better assist you, I’m going to need for you to provide me the logs from your mobile device. Please include if you’re using 4.13.1 or 4.13.2. Are you on a binary build or a source build?
If you cannot get Monitor.bat to open, please go to:
Make sure that you highlight all of the logs, because they do not save unless they’re highlighted.
Thank you!
Hey ,
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you!
I’m using 4.13.1 version. How do I know whether I’m using binary of source?
I attached the logs on a txt file.
Thank you
[link text][1]
113598-log.txt (523 KB)
There is nothing in the logs that you’ve provided me that refer to UE4. You need to use monitor.bat when you’re running the project too, and collect all of those logs as well.
My bad, here are the logs when I try to run the game on my phone
[link text][1]
113714-logs2.txt (555 KB)
My bad, here are the logs when I try to run the game on my phone[link text][1]
113714-logs2.txt (555 KB)
Do you have any Ad Mob Ad Unit ID information in your project? If so, could you try to remove it and see if you still run into the same issue or not? If you still end up crashing, or a black screen on the device - please upload new logs.
I checked for the Ad Mob Ad Units, and there’s none selected. I attached a screenshot of my project settings and the logs.
I think that the problem is probably due to the maps and modes configuration, because the default templates
work fine on my phone. The issue occurs when I change the character to a custom one made with Blender,
with a different skeleton and some animations I made. There’s also a picture of the game mode settings and
a picture of the custom character, maybe you notice something off.
Is there some sort of settings that maybe I didn’t take into account?
Thank you!
This is your error:
D/UE4(23135): Assertion failed: Data != NULL [File:Runtime/OpenGLDrv/Public/OpenGLResources.h] [Line: 239]
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!FDebug::LogAssertFailedMessage(char const*, char const*, int, wchar_t const*, ...)
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!TOpenGLBuffer<FOpenGLBaseVertexBuffer, 34962u, &(CachedBindArrayBuffer(unsigned int))>::Lock(unsigned int, unsigned int, bool, bool)
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!FOpenGLDynamicRHI::RHILockVertexBuffer(FRHIVertexBuffer*, unsigned int, unsigned int, EResourceLockMode)
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!FDynamicRHI::LockVertexBuffer_RenderThread(FRHICommandListImmediate&, FRHIVertexBuffer*, unsigned int, unsigned int, EResourceLockMode)
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!FSlateRHIRenderingPolicy::UpdateVertexAndIndexBuffers(FRHICommandListImmediate&, FSlateBatchData&, TSlateElementVertexBuffer<FSlateVertex>&, FSlateElementIndexBuffer&)
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!FSlateRHIRenderer::DrawWindow_RenderThread(FRHICommandListImmediate&, FSlateRHIRenderer::FViewportInfo const&, FSlateWindowElementList&, bool, bool)
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so![Unknown]()
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread(int, bool)
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit(int)
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!RenderingThreadMain(FEvent*)
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!FRenderingThread::Run()
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!FRunnableThreadPThread::Run()
D/UE4(23135): libUE4.so!FRunnableThreadPThread::_ThreadProc(void*)
D/UE4(23135): libc.so!__thread_entry()
D/UE4(23135): libc.so!pthread_create()
D/UE4(23135): [2016.11.09-02.41.28:425][-7213104]Assertion failed: Assertion failed: Data != NULL [File:Runtime/OpenGLDrv/Public/OpenGLResources.h] [Line: 239]