Black screen on Android on launch

So when i launch my android game normally clicking this button it works perfectly and i can play it on my phone, but it only launches only one level level i told it to launch. To launch full game i have to go to project launcher and launch it there. So when i try to launch full game build log shows up as 0 failed and 0 errors and builds successfully. So when he game finally launches on my phone it’s either stuck on “Show splash screen here” or if i disable splash screen it shows a black screen forever. MY default map is set to main menu and i disabled HDR on rendering settings, but still doesn’t work. My game is a 2D low end game so game is not heavy at all and plus my phone is S6 edge+ so i know for a fact it can handle it. I searched online everywhere but know one has a issue so i’m pretty much stuck. Any help?

I’m using latest ver on UE4


Hey Spookey0188,

In order to assist you, could you provide us with your projects logs when launching to your device. In order to do this you need to run Android Tools Monitor, which can be found in C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\tools.

You will also need to set up a filter for UE4 so you are not getting un-necessary logs. You can find further information on these instructions in post provided below.

Android Launch and Build Error

Let me know if you have further questions and I will do what I can to help work through them with you.


Hi Spookey0188,

We haven’t heard back from you yet, so I’m resolving this post for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing a black screen on launch on your Android, please feel free to respond with information requested by and we can continue investigating. Thank you!