In the latest version (4.21.2), the 4k TV i use for a monitor goes completely black for a few seconds then returns to normal. It happens mostly when hovering with the mouse cursor over some buttons or drop-down menus in the editor. I thought it was an issue caused by not having nvidia drivers updated, but even after update, it still occurs. When launching 4.14.3, this issue does not occur. Please note I am using windows 7 and my GPU is a GTX970.
Mainly I’m writing this for a heads up to the team (it’s definitely a bug with how UE behaves on 4K tv’s and/or monitors in this version), but if someone knows that this can be fixed on client side, I’d be even happier.
I don’t know if it is that. As I’ve said, I’m running on windows 7 and it currently does not support HDR settings that I am aware of. And it does NOT cause any issue on 4.14, which runs fine. Anybody else running into the same issue?