Black screen for client only on specific computer

Hi all,

I have a bit of a strange issue. I have been testing my packaged game on Steam and found that there is an issue, the server loads in and can see everything, the client loads in, can move around in the game world, has the player widget, but cant see anything, (camera perspective is black).

However this only occurs when I am running as a client on my computer only, but when my computer is hosting it does not happen. I tested with other computers in my home, and my two other computers can host and be clients and there is no issue. Only my computer specifically does not load properly into the game when playing as client.

I would highly appreciate any possible suggestions and/or solutions.

Thank you very much.

so to clarify what is going on:

system        CanBeClient       CanBeServer
System1:            N               Y
System2:            Y               Y
System3:            Y               Y

and you are asking why System1 can’t be the Client but can be the Server?
what are the differences in hardware between System1, System2, and System3
will the Game be pure Client-Server, or Peer-To-Peer?
are all of these system hard-wired, or is one or the other on WiFi?
if the system is going to be Client-Server what is the Host for the Server going to be?
if you cook the Game without the Steam API does the system in question have the same issue?


I did additional testing and found that the results are inconsistent and vary between System 1 and System 3.

My results show this:

  • System 3 sometimes works as a client when System 1 is server but not always.

  • System 1 sometimes works as a client when System 3 is server but not always.

  • System 2 NEVER FAILS as a client regardless of which System is the server.

  • Both System 1 and System 3 ALWAYS FAIL as the client when System 2 is the server.

  • I also did one more test by having a friend from another country connect. System 2 as usual does not fail as a client or server. System 1 fails as the client when my friend is the server but he does not fail as the client when System 1 is hosting. System 3 remains untested with this one.

My question is why I am having these strange issues and inconsistences with my systems. I have searched through a number of black screen issues with clients and networking but it always usually refers to clients either being disconnected, not being spawned etc.

But in my case the clients are spawning, are loading in, are visible and have all their variables and widgets set and created, the only difference being that the black screen appears to effect the camera that the client is viewing through and the results of which system is having issue is inconsistent with the exception of System 2 which always works.

Some info based on your questions:

  • System 1 uses an AMD processor, System 2 and System 3 are Intel as for graphics cards, all three use a NVIDIA RTX or GTX. System 1 (RTX 3060), System 2 (GTX 1650), System 3 (RTX 2060).
  • The game is client-server and uses a listen server for the connection. The listen server is run locally on the hosts machine. I am also using the Advanced Steam Sessions plugin.
  • System 2 is on Wi-Fi, System 1 and 3 are on Ethernet. I tested System 2 with Ethernet as well, but System 1 and 3 still don’t work connecting as a client to System 2 regardless of Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
  • I have not tested cooking without the Steam API, I will run this test and edit this post with the results.

Thank you for responding and I appreciate any further help.

Kind Regards,