If a game launched as a standalone or on a device (Android, IOS, Switch, etc.), it shows UE4 default splash and then It shows a black screen until game is loaded. Black screen is shown 3-10 second depending on the device. No problems with the game itself. As I understand UE4 makes some setup and the screen is black in this time. Is it possible to make some image to be shown instead of a black screen during this setup?
I would say that this question might be mostly about loading of unreal engine itself. According to the logs I see a lot of messages about configuring of multiple modules and plugins, setting up internal variables. The problem that I don’t know how to disable all these modules and plugins for my small 2d project to speed up bootstrapping. Is there any tutorial on unreal engine bootstrapping speed up?
It sounds like the initial level is too heavy for the device. Maybe you could use level streaming and give them a loading screen to look at…
Yeah, that’s right in the nitty-gritty. Do you have the event driven loader on?
Have you already made the package as small as possible?
I would say that this question might be mostly about loading of unreal engine itself. According to the logs I see a lot of messages about configuring of multiple modules and plugins, setting up interanl variables. The problem that I don’t know how to disable all these modules and plugins for my small 2d project to speed up bootstrapping. Is there any tutorial on unreal engine bootstrapping speed up?
I don’t know anything about event driven loader
Currently all assets are loaded in place of usage, so I don’t think it’s the problem. Regarding the package size, I would say there is no anything unused in it, I inspected all assets and the every one is used.
To show a desired screen during engine loading, it’s possible to define a module with LoadingPhase=PosSplashScreen and show a custom screen (derived form FPreLoadScreenBase) with a custom view. The view is created with Slate.