Hi everyone,
I am running into some tedious issue here. I cannot make Unreal Engine to save a capture of the scene in an image file inside Oculus Quest. It does create the files but they are completely black.
I know there is a reported bug when using Export Render Target BP function using Android. But the same problem happens when I try the HighResShot command as a workaround.
I do not know if is related to the Export Render Target bug. So here are the steps to reproduce the issue.
1 - Create a blank BP project
2 - Set it up for deployment to Oculus Quest
3 - Create a pawn with camera. Drag it into the scene and set on auto possess
4 - In level blueprint: EventBeginPlay Execute console command HighResShot 2 (it happens in all resolutions)
5 - Launch the project in Quest.
6. Go to saved directory to find the file HighresScreenshot0.png completely black
I am using engine version 4.22. I cannot try it on 4.25 due to NDK incompatibility