
Have not tested yet but great job with the update on the performance and the rag-doll on hit with a feather particle system, looks amazing!! Also congratulations with the birds making their way to the Titanic: Honor and Glory](

Thanks John
Here is a new promo video that they put up, this one features Birds quite prominently.


It looks like they are using an early build of Birds- before obstacle avoidance was implemented.
it’s still a great example of how adding Birds to your projects can help bring some life to an otherwise static environment.
Here is a link to their website for further information on Titanic: Honor And Glory,
It looks like an exciting project. :slight_smile:


I just bought the asset :slight_smile: looks nice!

I have a question
Is there anyway of getting hold of the source fbx files?
for the model with rig animation and lods?

I would be super thankful!

Hey, is there an ETA for the performance optimizations? Thanks!

Birds is not priced to include the original (Quad) source files, however you can always right click the skeletal mesh and go to Asset Actions > Export.

I will be submitting my current project (Attack Boar) in the next few weeks, and then I’ll get started back in with Birds. :slight_smile:

Excited to see how you optimize the birds with the behavior trees.

You must be sick of hearing this but hey, any idea when the behavior tree revision will ship?

Looked at the AI for the BOAR and it looked nice! Had purchased the Bird package and also waiting on the update AI so I can implement into my project.

I hear ya Folks! I have moved on to the modeling and animation for the Pigeon. The bulk of bringing everything into the Behavior Tree is finished. So I thought Id submit an early build next week so that you can try it out.

Whats new in Version 3.0

  • The Birds will run and fly away from any Actor with an Enemy Tag
  • Walking, Flying and Perching are now under one parent class
  • Ai Controller and Behavior Tree
  • Perception system added for enemy spotting
  • No Tick

Woooohoooooo, great news! Can’t wait to try them out. Thank you. I am about to submit demo of my game to Microsoft to see if I can get a free dev box and hope I can include some birds :slight_smile:

The update is now live for anyone who wanted to try out the early access to Birds v3.0
Keep in mind it is still an early build and the pigeon is not yet added.
The new update is only for Unreal versions 4.18- 4.20
4.10- 4.17 is still the old Tick Bird setup for anyone who still wanted to use it, or so that you can use it for comparison.

Just installed and test and the performance is awesome! Great job, Thank you.

I have a blueprint with a lamp post that will be spawned into the world at different locations. Would copying the TargetPoint_0 and Sphere from the Bird_Perch_TargetPoint BP to my lamp post work? Or it is more complicated than that? Would it be easier to duplicate the Bird_Perch_TargetPoint and then add the lamp post, light and sound?

Yes, this one. the AI Controller is looking for Bird_Perch_TargetPoint’s. [HR][/HR]

Thank you. Something interesting. I spawned in the world a lamp post that had the Bird_Perch_TargetPoint on top and then further away a spawned a large beam with NO Bird_Perch_TargetPoint and then while playing I noticed the birds landing on the beam also. Will the birds land on locations without the Bird_Perch_TargetPoint?

No, A perching bird will only perch on places with a Bird_Perch_TargetPoint. It could be that the bird was landing on the ground and the beam got in the way. is there a ground target near that beam?

No ground targets near the beam. I have seen them land on other things also. Will do some more testing.

how can we disable the flying feature and walk away from character feature?

hi, i bought this package, my birds are not reacting when i move to them, and some bird have problem with landscape collision, i dont change anything just merging in my project, adding ground, sky and perch target. i have a navmesh, i rebuild the navigation, i try much thing but i cant fix it… help.

i found that was the dedicated server problem, if i enable dedicated, this is not working. help.