Bio-investigation Andalusian patio project

Hi there! Im Jesús and Im doing a school project where I’ll be creating an stylized environment with a conflicting mixture of sci-fi and traditional Andalusian architecture.
Im looking to work on it for the next 5 weeks.

The story behind it:
An anomalous creature with the shape of a giant brain has been festering inside the interior pond of the patio. A scientist goverment agency has learned about the situation and has decided to investigate it, setting up a field investigation lab inside the patio, disrupting the traditional architecture.

Initial idea:

Block in unreal

Block in of the Hero prop, the idea with it is to be a bio-computer that analizes the water and the nature of the brain. Right now Im working on finding a new use for the arms since as my teacher pointed out, Having that many screens is a bit redundant

Been a bit since I updated! But dont worry I’ve kept at it!

(painter view of the main asset texturing)

First lighting pass, Its been a bit of a hike since I was having trouble rebuilding my lighting on my computer back home but I finally have it back on a satisfactory level.

As you can see I made a modular system for the collums and archways, Im still bashing my head trying to figure out how to properly texture it since I still want to maintain a certain stylized feel.

This Im not sure why its happening?? The master material I instanced from doesnt have opacity active but somehow there seems to be an opacity error either way :disappointed_relieved:

I also tried to create my own custom texture for the wall, I started with a concrete texture and later edited it in photoshop

Hey there! So this week I’ve done the first textruing pass and worked around some of the rougher edges on the scene, there’s still some work to be done, but we’re getting closer.

As you can se we’ve got a final water material now! It was kinda tough to get exacty what I wanted, I combined two different water matterials to get here, one for the light falloff and the other for the murkyness

I hand painted the textures, which was a really fun learning experience

Ftiles_color.tga (3.9 MB)
Ftiles_normal.tga (3.9 MB)
Im sure there’s still some work to be done on these, for instance I should do a roughness texture, Im just sitting on it for a bit

lighting is something I still need to polish and some of these textures are not 100% final, but over all Im happy with how this is shaping out