bink video source trying absolute folder on build

I have some bink videos that I play in the editor without problems.

When I build the game and I play it in the original project computer all goes ok.

When I do in another computer all videos are black.

I noticed even in the original computer, looks like the built game looks for the videos in an absolute path (like f:\projectFolder\Content\Movies…) instead the relative built path (like /buildFolder/Content/Movies…) so If I move the original project and I run the built game all videos are black.

How do I fix this???



What worked for me to fix it i think is a terrible bug from Bink plugin.
you drag and drop the .bk2 file and then you have the bink media player asset
in the editor. Then you right click it and select create media texture and you
have a media texture asset that works like magic as a regular texture that you
can use on any material. It’s awesome, but all the happiness works only in the editor.

When building the game, videos works only if the original project stays in the original
place. If you run the build on another computer or just move the original project
you will get black textures and its because by default (BUG!) the path for the textures
is absolute from the project location. To fix it just open the media player asset ,
click in File or URL and select AGAIN the file. save and close. It seems that fix the path
to the right relative path when you build and then you can see the videos without the
original project dependency :slight_smile:


hope it helps others!


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