Bink Player doesn't work during Simulate PlayMode or when unpossessed

Hey there,

As i was experimenting with controlling Bink files with the sequencer, I’ve found out that if you simulate the game, the Bink player breaks down completely - you can’t control the playback, the duration equals to some garbage number, no picture at all.

As soon as you actually start the game, everything is fine… until you eject from the player’s pawn.

I don’t understand how it could be possible that the Bink could work in the editor and in the game but only when you possess something. This just doesn’t make any sense for me, like, what’s the difference?
Scrubbing through the source code didn’t give me anything, seems like it’s related to the actual Bink API.

Has anyone encountered this problem and had an experience of making it work?
I just wanna have the visual control over Bink files when I set up the level sequences.