Hey guys.
I’m having trouble getting one of my Widgets to bind correctly.
I am trying to bind a set of progress bars and buttons to floats and booleans, respectively, that will eventually unlock player features.
This widget is only accessed thru the start screen/options menu. All my other widgets are working properly.
I have another in-game (during actual game play) widget with a progress bar that works perfectly.
However, when I navigate to the this particular options menu widget, the widget does not display the player progress.
When I quit the game, I get a message log full of errors. “‘Accessed None’ from the return node” from all the bindings.
I added a Print String to the widget function, and I keep getting “cast failed” message when I navigated to the widget. I also, tried to use a save game reference in order to bypass “casting” but that still didnt help.
Also note, sometimes when I clear all the save game data then navigate to the widget, I will not receive any errors until after new data has been saved.
Like I said I have other widgets with buttons and progress bars that work fine, so I am lost as to why this particular widget is not working.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hello Mr. ,
I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.
Quick questions:
- Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
- If so, could you provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
- Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints that may be involved with this issue?
Hey Rudy,
Thanks for responding.
I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “reproduce this issue in a clean project?”
These were my steps:
In my bp_character I created the Float variables for items being collected.
I created a save game mode, and created float variables so I could save the bp_character variables.
At the end of the level there is a trigger box that that creates a Save Game to Slot to save the data from the level.This function seems to be working properly. I have “print strings” at the begin play and end trigger of the each level that accurately display the total (saved and newly collected) float values.
Then I created a widget with progress bars and buttons to call on those save_game variables.
I started by testing the “Achievement Widget’s” progress bars during game play and they worked correctly. I could see them updating as I collected items. I also set the achievement button to true by default and that worked great.
Actually, they were both working perfectly for an hour or so. Then I started to get all the errors.
Originally, I had options menu widgets working thru a separate (Main Menu) game mode. Even thought they worked fine originally, I thought that having two separate game modes me be the problem. So I switch all the widgets to the same “MainGame” game mode. But that still didn’t help.
Im dont exactly remember if I tested the Achievement Widget before I created the save game slot. But Im not sure if that even matters since the same game is accurately saving new data.
Like I mentioned previously, sometimes the errors disappear after I clear the save game data. Not always though.
Hopefully I was clear enough.
To help clarify what I meant with my first question, I meant that I would like for you to test and see if you can open a new project with no additional content and reproduce the issue you are seeing when trying to use the binding feature in UMG.
Hello Mr. ,
Were you able to reproduce this issue in a clean project?
Hey Rudy,
Pardon the late reply. I didnt see any notifications in email.
I will try to do that today. And let you know what happens.
I understand, please be sure to update the thread when you have additional information and I will be happy to assist you further.
Hello Mr. ,
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you.
Hey Rudy.
I have reproduced these functions on another project with the same result.
The main problems seems to be that cast nodes keep failing.
My main questions would be what “Objects” does the save game node cast from.
I always run into this problem when Im casting to anything accept a BP_Character.
For example, I tried to call a widget blueprint from a level blueprint, but I dont understand where the widget object is suppose to inherent from.
It sounds like you may be having trouble understanding casting. I have provided a link to the documentation on casting below. Please read over this, I hope that the information helps.
Link: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Blueprints/UserGuide/CastNodes/index.html
If this does not help, could you provide a detailed set of steps on how you reproduced this in a clean project? While giving steps on the reproduction in your current project does provide insight, using a clean project helps eliminate any extraneous information.