hi there,
Enum PacketType
Type1 = 0,
Type2 = 1,
struct DataPacket1
PacketType typeNumber = PacketType::Type1;
FVector loc;
struct DataPacket2
PacketType typeNumber = PacketType::Type2;
FRotator Rot;
class A
//a template function to receive any kind of above two structures
template<typename T>
void ReceiveData(PacketType typeofpacket, TArray<T> data);
Class B obj ; // obj is a FRunnable object
template < typename T >
DECLARE_DELEGATE_twoParam(FOnReceivingData, PacketType, TArray T)
Class B: public FRunnable
FOnReceivingData myDelegate;
how can I bind “myDelegate” to “ReceiveData” function in class A.
And is it possible to bind a template function to a delegate ?
Please help