BindAxisKey returns integer


So I want to make a small InputComponent, and get inputs from there, so i can avoid putting them in the project settings.
I used delegates with BindKey to Bind my inputs with my methods, and they are working well. The problem comes when I want to get my joystick inputs.

I tried BindAxisKey, but returns me 1 as soon as i touch my joystick, when i would like to get a number between 0 and 1…

Anyone has an idea of how to get what i want?

    //in header
    void SetX(float axis);
    //in cpp
     BindAxisKey(EKeys::Gamepad_LeftStick_Right, this, &URadioInput::SetX);

    void URadioInput::SetX(float axis)
    	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("%f"), axis);

BTW it returns a float with Gamepad_LeftTriggerAxis …just seems the joystick axis to be broken