Bind Event To on possess changed bug? Teleport bug?

I’m using this Player Controller event so whenever I change my player character it will teleport the Old Pawn to a spot on the map where it cannot be seen. I change the character by Spawn Actor and Possess it. The problem is after 3 or 4 times of changing the character the Bind Event to on possess changed would stop teleporting the Old Pawn to the assigned spot and would be left to where it was before possessing another Pawn. Is there a way to circumvent this? I’ve tried Get All Actors of Class and Teleport and the result is the same

Hey there @Akimikage! Sounds like a very specific issue, binds shouldn’t be removed through use alone, so there may be something else interrupting it. Does the actor become unloaded or outside of the world partition? Does the event throw any errors when trying to call it?

Everything seems to be fine and no errors and possessing the new actor successfully executes. Just after a few times of changing characters, the Old Actor would not be Teleported to the spot assigned and would be where it was before changing the character but the Spawned Actor would still be Possessed and Teleported to the Player Start Location

Does the OnPossess node still fire? I can’t seem to replicate binding’s failing after use.

Yeah, it’s still firing. Tried increasing the height it Teleports to just in case it thinks the spot is crowded and still the same result.

Edit : After a bit of debugging, it seems that the node is searching for two pawns as Old Pawn

Ahhh so then it sounds like a referencing issue somewhere along the line where the old ref is being changed or a new reference being made and breaking it.