Binary ‘==’: no operator found? FTransform == FTransform

why don’t you review your code and dump the Ftransform and find another way from the very start. If you are transforming positions from local relative space to world space then you can use vectors. FVectors with functions that transform back and forth non inverse, and inverse functions.

What are you building anyway ?

Also a return function for the index X+Y = index point at x, y coordinate to calculate where the index is. Or in your case x+y+z.

sort of

function (int x, int y]
function body is.
return x + y

then call on the function before you use the capture and store to int array from the call an x and a y. You may have to create x and y vars for your call, because you need to specify params for the function call.

if you get index points then you can use that to compare between index points.

Blue prints uses the same method.
Notice here it’s called vector to index point on the blueprint scheme with the return node at the end.

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