Billboard or Always face camera

This may seem rather basic but I’m new to UE4, I can’t seem to find a way to get something to simply always face the camera. Is this something that you can do easily with blueprints? Any help in this area would be great. Thanks.

I’m also pretty new but I think what you want is firstly and event tick, then get the world location of the object you wish to face the camera and put the object into the target, and also get actor location and put get player character into that target. Then from the return values of them, insert them into a find look at rotation, with the get world rotation return value going into the start, and the get actor location into the target. Then right click and get a set world rotation and link up the event tick into this, link the actor variable into the target and link the find look at rotation into the new rotation. If this doesn’t work properly then just tell me what’s wrong

You can create a Billboard in a Blueprint actor and change the sprite to any Texture of your choosing…The Texture you choose will face the camera…you can also have it scale so it’s always the same size which can be awesome sometimes…
Otherwise you can do a Material Billboard which will have a Material applied to the Billboard “square” so you have a lot more options of what you can display than just one texture…same with that too as it’ll face the camera and scale to a set size if you check it…