billboard_device SetText/UpdateDisplay update speed?

I’m using the billboard_device to display progress for upgradable items and things that change over time. This works pretty well, but there seems to be a significant (and inconsistent?) delay between the call to UpdateDisplay() and when device actually visually updates.

I assume there’s nothing I can do about this delay, but is there at least a way I can anticipate it and maybe build it into my scripts? For example, is it updated on a regular tick? Does it usually (or always) take a certain fixed amount of time?

Any help from Epic on this would be appreciated.


Unfortunately I don’t think there’s much you can do right now on your side to decrease the latency (if the bottleneck is at UpdateDisplay()).

The latency you see is mostly due to the network delay from the moment the call to UpdateDisplay() happens on the server, plus any latency that leads up to that call (e.g. button interaction → UpdateDisplay()).

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Got it.

If it’s just latency, I can probably fudge it with a little extra delay on my end.

Thanks for the answer!