Big Wall or superfice


i need make very largue walls and surface.

what its the best, do a wall mesh example 10.000x10.000x5, 1000x1000x5 or 100x100x5 and build the big wall? or what? what size?

Hey Knack - what is your application? This could be handled a lot of ways depending on your needs :slight_smile:

You can have any size mesh, but it would depend on how you set it up to get the best look.

If you were just going to unwrap the texture UV you would probably be better off with a smaller mesh to keep the best texture resolution without having to have a texture that is 2048 in resolution.

If you use a tileable material you can set it up to have a good resolution for the texture no matter your model size. At this point you would be handling the materials scale through the material editor rather than using the model to drive the texture resolution.

To set this up. Plug in your materials and use a TextureCoordinate Node that is plugged into your UV slots on your texture samples.
Highlight the texture coordinate node and plug in a value for the U and V tiling. Tweak these settings until you get the tiling size you would like.

If you have any questions feel free to ask!


something like a car circuit but with 30-50meters walls on sides.

links or keywords about the ways for search are welcome.

pd: few weeks ago i doing some test with big surfaces and get few warnings about need a importance volume, since my lack of concepts some links with info about that are welcome too

i already play a bit with this, i think would better for me use that way.


Hi Knack,

The warning you were seeing is the you need a “lightmass Importance Volume” for your scene warning. You can find information about that here.

You need this in your scene to keep your light build times shorter. This volume will tell the engine where light information is more importance. Anything inside the volume (typically anywhere that the player will be able to get to) will get a higher quality light bake than anything outside of it.


remember you can do instanced meshes too which will permit to do larger surfaces with lower meshes. If you need collision, remember that the magic number is 128. After that collision is over.