Bidirectional Transitions are broken

Im trying to get BIdirectional transitions to work, but even the simplest of cases seem to fail.

To reproduce, create a new FirstPersonShooter template.
Open up FirstPerson_AnimBP.
Remove the transition from Run to Idle.
Change the transition from idle to Run to be bidirectional.

Run around in game, the idle animation never plays again.


Hi Amimoller,

Bidirectional Transitions are not yet supported. When you compile with a bidirectional transition, it gives a warning in the Compiler Results window that they aren’t supported.


ran into this today, why not remove option until they are supported?

Hi ,

If it made it into an engine version, it’ll take more effort to remove it AND account for somebody upgrading a project that has it enabled. We’d have to account for it by splitting it into two transitions when the upgrade occurs. It’s simpler to leave the warning until it becomes a full feature since this is not a high priority issue.


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7 years later: “bidirectional transitions aren’t supported yet”

sometimes Unreal is missing a bit of “move fast and break things”. Because a lot things are broken now for new users in the name of compatibility.


Still not supported, this would be such a good QoL change.