I want to create a targeting system that dynamically draws a curved line. I imagine this will be done using calculus- tanget lines and all that. This line will represent the distance from one player an object. The object will be a quest item’s location.
How would you add points dynamically based on the distance between two blueprints. Like mind map software nodes. Here’s an example: Consider each oval a blueprint. Then consider the curves in between spline points.
To explain further, I want to create a bezier curve on the fly. I want to create the points for the curve on the fly.
Two ovals. A line connects them. Move one the line updates.
This line is a curve.
I’d be fine if it worked just like a mind mapping software. Simple mind is the best example that comes to mind- no pun intended. Welkom bij XS4ALL
I’m thinking add points on the fly based on distance between the two ovals. Then drawing new lines between new points. Lastly, erasing old lines between past connections. How would this be achieved?