better optimization for using cast in an animbp / Blueprint Thread Safe

Guys, I have a question, I currently work on a game as a technical animator and I am new to the area. The programmer came up with a question that, is within the Blueprint Thread Safe system we cast to the character’s functions like movement… and from that using Property Access to get this data, but the get function is run at every tick so much that if you put a print it will keep appearing, so wouldn’t it be better using the event graph to do this cast only once with the event begin play?

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I have the same question,

What puzzling me the most is, project Lyra made by Epic as a reference of good practices, cast every tick; but other very knowledgeable people, like Stephen Ulibarri cast only one time at “Event Blueprint Initialize Animation” in the Event Graph

So, which one of these AnimBP masters is most right?