Title: “Eney. Escape From The Metaverse”
Student Submission: No
Credits to sourced content:
Factory Environment Collection by Denys Rutkovsky
The Matrix Awakens City Samples
Quixel Megascans
Soviet Blocks by KidBash3d
“One of a million metaverse levels. People offline. Eney is an old version of metahuman avatar who has realized that metaverse is not real and she may not be under the control of humans. She becomes street artist. She interacts with the environment, hacking screens and hiding from the green director, who cleans the streets from server garbage with his rays. Wat’s next? Escape from the metaverse?”
In this project I used new tools like Lumen Gi and reflections, rili like new level material instances tool, it helps a lot with huge buildings. Smooth dinamic shadows help a lot to realize soft light sourse. Lumen is good with dinamic meshes. Everything at the level can become light source, like for example unlit TV screens or subsurface tarps.
Engine version: 5.0.2