(1) Vbuck buy-in Tournaments and so on, to probably (1000) V bucks for the High Rollers
*FNCS on Top: Scroll down to see the line of 24/7 E-Sports Tournament options
For 24/7 E-Sports Tournaments
Will def. help Fortnite out
?Would this be rated [E]? Because you cant redeem(as cash)?? Besides Item Shop purchases and such on Fortnite only… you know??? lmk if you know what rating it should be.
#If I get silenced on this I will def quit the forum lol
##Just tyin to help
Unless you wanna make as Cash-Redeemable.
*That would be Epic
**Perhaps enhance Vbucks as a cryptocurrency stable coin? (100 Vbucks = $1)
***Could offer on Coinbase for buying/selling as well for investors and such
****Perhaps with an annual earning percentage % so people want to hodl Vbucks Crypto Stable Coin, kinds like USDC?
***Wouldn’t be able to offer at discount anymore after stable coin exists tho, just fyi
****Cuz people would just buy and flip it
*Could still sell Vbucks gift cards @ stable coin price, (13,500) for $135
**Just redeemable through Fortnite
Maybe Top 10 Payout from Buy-In pot for [Single Round] Tournaments could be…
1st Place - 60%
2nd Place - 20%
3rd Place - 10%
4th Place - 3%
5th Place - 2%
6th Place - 1%
7th Place - 1%
8th Place - 1%
9th Place - 1%
10th Place - 1%
Maybe [Winner/s Take All Single Round] Buy-In Tournaments as well?
**For high player-base
[Point-Based] Buy-In Tournaments?
*For an even bigger Prize Pool
*Maybe one/two days a week?
*Like how the Free tournaments are kinda maybe? (10) games maximum
*Post here if you think its a good idea or not…
**Personally I think 24/7 E-Sports Tournaments are a good idea (kinda like FNCS) and Vbucks should be redeemable/a stable coin with APY %
***Would definitely help the people by creating more job opportunities with everyone’s talents and the stable coin will allow for Fortnite to push to the next level by providing APY% and allowing for investors to invest in Fortnite via Coinbase and such as well
lmk what u think
*If cheaters are present, then a complete ban would be cool (Hardware Ban and Account Ban)
Can you enable the Compete Tab to include any size monitor setup?
*To be like Ranked/Regular BR/Creative?
**Kinda sad I can’t use my Samsung G9 in Compete Tab
**Especially since that’s how I play and prefer being able to see.
*A lot of people argue anyway that regular 16:9 is better(streamers mainly), but I prefer rolling 32:9
**Also it hurts my eyes on 16:9…
**and I paid good money for my setup to be able to use it. you kno?
**Plus people have multiple G9’s or custom setups, so it would be cool to allow for any monitor space setup.
***Thats my dream setup is (3) G9’s Stacked on top of each other, Straight #SemiSphere
****So you can see Above you when your playing lowground, and Below you when you have height, especially when people be rollin up. #G9#3#Stacked#RTX5090 Thank you so much if you do