Best workflow?

What is best workflow, from 3ds max vray to UE5? send clean 3d model and make new materials in UE. Use Substance or Quixel? is that it?

  1. Vray materials translate pretty good to UE5 through .datasmith file format, but not all vray maps or materials do. Just export you vray scene as datasmith and import into Unreal
  2. Use the Dataprep workflow to import your datasmith files and set up rules like swap materials, swap meshes, decimate meshes and many other options.
    The link below can explain the points above:
    Datasmith Plugins for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community
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well vray material is similar but when I open material it get so complicated because maps in max/vray are not PBR but texture with UVW and also Diffuse is not same as Base and other parameters. Guess I have to simplify materials in vray maybe just material and bitmap. Or just use approach model from max materials from UE