Best way to update Widgets?

Hi Everyone!

So ive been working on a very small RPG online/co-op game. Im having a small issue where i dont know if its best to update widgets (Health Bar, Exp Bar, Level Text etc) inside the Widget itself using “Bindings” or if i should update these in my Stats Component which is attached to my Player State?

Since there is a lot of times where i would need to update Health or Level, i was thinking the Stats Component would be best but i would like to hear what others think.

Thanks in advance for any tips!

I’ve have seen both ways, but im not sure how to tell what the fastest way of updating it is. I can tell you that instead of transferring variables through several ui widgets (depending on your ui setup) that if you use a function from your controller, or where ever you already update health when you heal/take damage then you can push the change to the ui by grabbing the widget and forcing the change. in other words I feel that the ui always updating through the bound widget function seems that might slow the game down when you start adding other players and such.