Best way to show/make your portfolio?

I’m thinking about creating my own portfolio of the work that I’ve created. So i’ve been wondering, are there any good websites or ways to make your portfolio? How should a portfolio be created? Should there be pictures or videos or both? A lot of pages or one or two pages? Should there be a lot of colors, or be monochromatic?
Please go in depth with your response and/or even post your portfolio! I could use any advice that I could get.

Check this out:

Nice article there Jacky! Thanks!

6 years later, this is still such a great and valuable article. Thank you for sharing this, and thank you Epic and Mods for not deleting old posts!

yeah, jacky is good people… i remember when she helped me out in UE3 for transparency or something… still remember the train and train tracks she made… it was important to me at the time… yeah, good people…