We’re done with all the aesthetics of our virtual store, now we’re just trying to set up the backend of our unreal clothing store similar to the GTA apparel shopping experience. Seems easier for our products to be viewed 360 in a pop up, instead of clothing being displayed on our character like how it’s done with Franklin. Our IRL clothing is 3D scanned so the ability for users to zoom in on textures to view material quality is key.
(GTA 5 - All Clothing Stores with Franklin - YouTube)
Currently our goal is to have the same setup as this vid where walking by a rack of shirts gives the option to scroll through/view a list of them in the menu.
We want to add a lot more features like AI/NPCs, conversations/voices, add to cart & check out/purchase, but for now what we need direction on is how to tie in game actions to our e-commerce site for a complete in game shopping experience of our IRL products. We’re thinking of adding a website popup in game upon the user deciding to checkout in game. Would greatly appreciate any guidance on the best way to set that up, as well as other features like:
Walking by a rack of clothes gives the option to view a list of them + 360 view/zoom
Scrolling through the list of clothing items like shown in vid, button for adding an item to cart or purchase now.
Integrating our eCommerce site with the gameplay so that a browser window of our website’s checkout process pops up when the user is finished shopping.
Would be happy to work out a reward for any advice that helps us successfully get the store operational. We will need some coding help as well for this project so we’re open to a partnership with someone experienced.