Best way to set order of widgets?


I have quite a few widget blueprints floating around the game space the player can overlap to trigger them, for instance…

  • Save point
  • Objective updates
  • Door is locked
  • Loading screen

The issue I am running into, is when these overlaps happen and the player is continuing their game, they appear on top of the loading screen because they are loaded last I think, I want the loading screen to always be ‘in-front’ if that makes sense, like an image in Word, bring-to-front, so that any and all widgets are always behind the loading screen when it is active


When you add a widget to viewport, there is a ZOrder you can pass in. Higher means prior layer. If the widgets were added to the same layer, the latest widget added would be on the top.


Ugh, it was hidden by default, had to click the dropdown arrow like a noob. I set the ZOrder on the Loading widget to 10 and now it works perfectly, thank you kind stranger!