Best way to replicate weapon actor attached to character mesh


I need characters able to pick up weapons - like in CSGO - replicating the weapon currently equipped to all players.

What would be the best / most optimized way of doing this over the network?

1.) Set up all weapons already attached to every character mesh - and based on currently equipped weapon only set that one visible (rest invisible) - via a replicated boolean / or enum integer

2.) Attach blueprint actor to character socket - replicate currently attached blueprint actor? Would this have to replicate the blueprint actor movement over the network? Or how exactly is this actor position being replicated when it is attached to a parent?

Currently when I do point 2 the blueprint actor (weapon) is spawned in the player’s hands but it does not move with the actor and instead hover at the spawn location…


Any tips on this?

Any screenshots?

Is replicate movement in your weapon blueprint checked and have it set to moveable?

I know its super old but since I also had problems with replicated “attach to”; here is my solution:

I used repnotify as a solution. Server spawns the weapon actor and stores it in a replicated variable. Then I used a Boolean with repnotify. After the spawning, the server changes the Boolean and the notify attaches the weapon to the character mesh. Of course you’ll have to make sure that the weapon actor is replicated (and maybe has replicated movement enabled)