I am not sure if this is the place to post this but I have a few issues that I am trying to solve. At the moment, I am just experimenting with a few things but really use some help. To start with, I am trying to get a single dice roll to work. I know it would probably be easier to animate it through Blender or something and import it and then just choose it at random but I have no idea how to do that. So, instead, I modeled the die, put it in a small room surrounded by blocking volumes and added impulse to it when the button is pressed. This works for the most part. It is launched properly and rotates and bounces off the wall and I have it set to return to the original position after 5 seconds with the number it landed on facing up so the roll is always random, however, I can only seem to throw the die in one direction. Nothing I do changes it. While that is not my main issue, anything to fix that would be helpful.
What I am really wondering is how to read the face of the die. I know there are a few ways to do this. I can use trigger boxes on each face to determine what is facing up. The issue with that is, I can’t figure out how to determine if the velocity is zero so, every time it rolls and hits the ground, it is read and that obviously doesn’t work. Probably a simple fix but I don’t know it yet. I know that I can also use a line trace to determine it but I have not used them before. Finally, I think I can use an array and determine which is facing up by the rotation and just output that as a value but again, I am not sure how to do that. Is there a better way of doing this? Is it easier to use an imported animation? Thanks!