Best way to "queue" Montage Animations?

I’m trying to queue montage animations to create a combo system for the player, where an array of montage animations dictates the combo length and plays in a sort of “ForEach” loop. I can’t manage to setup any kind of loop even with delays and timers to play the montages in sequence with eachother. Would Notifies be the best way? I noticed a similar topic mentioned using AnimNotifies to “string” the animations together, such as putting “NextCombo” notify at the end? Is that too messy? I guess I’m just wondering what the best practice for something like this is.
Any help is appreciated!

Hey @Truevibe!

This tutorial is pretty good for this use case! I’ve used it myself and it worked like a charm. :slight_smile:

Disclaimer: This link is not associated with Epic Games, Unreal Engine, or their partners.

Thank you, ill give it a look when I get a chance!

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After watching the video, it seems like mine is setup similar to this. I just want it to be more dynamic and not hardcoding a set number of montages. I think I’ll try setting up a notify at the end of each section that calls something like NextAttackPhase().

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Hey, that’s what tutorials are for- learning, so you can do your own thing!
Let us know how it goes, or if you hit any snags! :slight_smile:

I managed to get a pretty good system working using notifies and itterators. Notifies call the next attack phase and the itterators select the correct montage and section. If you do this method, make sure you have a proper “state” management system for Attacking, Moving, Etc… and when transitioning from attack state (for example getting hit or stunned) cleanup the variables of the itterators to default values or at least setup a timer when not attacking to reset these variables.
Appreciate the response and help!

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Using AnimNotifies to string together your montage animations is a pretty solid approach. It helps keep things organized and ensures your animations play in sequence. Putting a “NextCombo” notify at the end can trigger the next animation in your combo. Delays and timers can get tricky, so using notifies is a cleaner way to handle the sequencing. It might feel messy at first, but it should streamline your workflow once you get the hang of it.

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