So, I’m using several different asset content packs (different nature packs, sound packs, props, etc). With all the blueprints and other stuff and my own assets the content browser is getting pretty cluttered. I would like to organize it better and make folders for similar content stuff, e.g. Assets_Nature, Assets_Sounds, Assets_Other, etc. Especially with nature assets (flowers, trees, grass, rocks, etc.) I am using different content packs for nature stuff and want to move everything in the Assets_Nature folder. But whenever I do that, all the meshes loosing the reference to the textures and when I open one of the static meshes (like a tree or flower) its showing without the textures. Also, moving large assets folders within the content browser can take up to an hours (and I have a pretty fast computer, all m2 ssd’s, fast processor etc). Can I just go in the windows file explorer and move assets there (which takes seconds)? How would I fix the references in my project after that?
If you move things in windows, UE will have no idea where things are and you can just burn your hard drive and start again. Seriously…
UE has a sort of ‘registry’ of how everything is connected, if you move stuff in windows, you leave the whole project in a ‘inconsistent state’. I put quotes around that because I mean it in the same kind of way that a car driving over you arm would leave it in an ‘inconsistent state’
So, yes, you have to do it in the content browser. Having said that, it should be able to handle any files being moved anywhere. Yes, it will take a serious amount of time and yes, it’s not a bad idea to fix up all the redirectors afterwards.
I recently moved all my sound effects into one folder. Wont do it again. It’s a shame you can’t choose where to put installations in your project. Maybe that will come later.
If you want to know the dependencies of any asset in UE, just right click on it and choose ‘reference viewer’.