Best way to do root motion on First Person character?

Has anyone used root motion to animate a first person character? I have inputs turned off and am trying to play a root motion animation. But right now it does not actually move the player. I’ve tried setting the player mode to Falling and Flying, but that does not work.

Well root motion should work regardless whether it’s first person or not…
Have you:
-Enabled root motion on the animation
-You could try using a montage

Try running the montage where there are no objects in the way, just an open space. It’s possible your running into a wall or something

I am personally also trying to get root motion working in a first person character, specifically edge grabbing/climbing. It’s really tough.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah it took a while to get it working with non-montage anims. Here’s sort of a checklist I’ve developed to use in worst case scenarios of rootmo not working.

  • Set your character BP’s Inherited Mesh with the proper mesh and ABP (this is the only mesh that will get root motion, but other meshes can share the same ABP)
  • Set the ABP to use root motion on everything
  • Set the anim to use root motion
  • Turn off collision
  • Set to flying
  • Set gravity to off on the character
  • Set the character BP Controller Yaw OFF if using root rotation. (Note: the Player Controller doesn’t automatically update with Root Rotation)