Best way to do a dialogue system nowadays? Seems there's multiple ways and plugins.

For my purposes, i need certain dialogue options to actuvate certain triggers, like activate a previously unusable ability or open a door. It would depend on what dialogue option the player chooses and if the player has aquired a certain amount of points or items.

When I searched tutorials about it, none that ive youtubed has talked about triggers. There was 1 that taught a bit about triggers, but that was CodeSpartan utilizing their plugin. And there seems to be a lot of plugins. are they even worth it, or is too troublesome to do all this in vanilla ue4? if it is, then what plugin would you suggest?

also if plugins are ideal for this, then the most important thing is that it has to be stable and be able to be packaged with that blueprint to C++ conversion option ticked

It really depends on how quickly you want this system in place. Personally I create all my systems from scratch because this allows the greatest amount of customization for my own tastes, but its the slowest and if I don’t know how to do something I will have to compromise or adjust the plan. Going the plugin route is much much faster but if you want to really customize certain aspects then you will have to learn the plugin code which takes time. If you don’t care so much about that and the style and functionally of the plugin works then it just comes down to choosing the one you like most.