Best way to change position where weapon attaches to socket?

So I have a collection of various weapons that I will be using, that are mostly from different sources. I noticed they all seem to have different points on the weapon where they attach to whatever socket of the character they are supposed to.

All is working fine except when the weapons from different packs attach they are all different and as a result ending up in various placements when attached to the character.

Is this something I’ll need to do in blender?
Do I have to create different socket for weapons from each various collection, then switch via enum?

What’s the best solution here?

It has to do with the pivot point of each object not being set the same. You can either add an offset in ue4 or take them into a 3d creation package (blender, max. etc) and place them in the world so that the point you want attached to the socket is centred at 0,0,0

Thanks that was very helpful!