Hi everyone.I have this car
, and a character.I have an animation which enter in the car , and i attach my character to this car in this blueprint
.I also have a general blueprint where i cast to all my cars , and do all things that have to do for this cars(show gear,speed,etc.) and where i EXIT the car(actually i detach my character , spawn near the car,and destroy the actor inside the car) , but i have some problems.For example:
-when i exit the car(dettach the actor and destroy the actor inside the car) my car jump , a few meters up
-2nd when i want to enter the car , my actor is attached near the car and not inside.
There are my little problems , can anyone help me with an idea?
How can i enter the car and exit the car without attach or detach?
Is another method? Where i found it? I would like to do something like gta , i enter the car , i exit the car.I have animation for everything.Please help me Thanks a lot!