Best way to approach weapon sounds changing over distance

Hi guys,

Working on a shooter and having trouble making weapons sound good at distance. I currently set volume multipliers on different layers of the sound based on distance and have air absorption through an Attenuation asset. The results sound like a impactless, low-volume pile of nothing. Would any of you guys have any tips on how to approach this? Thanks!


You should have different sound for close gunshots and different for distant. You can mix them in sound cue with crossfade by distance node. You also need to switch on “virtualize when silent” in waves settings on those sounds to avoid skiping.

Hi, thanks a lot for that! Sounds like a great way of implementing it!

Sorry for bumping this but has anyone got anymore advise on the same issue

For survival shooters/battle royales etc hearing those distance gun shoots is key

Thanks alot ue4 brothers and sisters!! :heart:

I feel like Bartosz has delivered a perfect answer. What else we help with? :slight_smile: What exactly do you have trouble with?