Best way (or any existing way) to make changable interior design set for same building?

Let me try to clarify
Say if i make a building model, a two level house.
And now, I want to use this house model for multiple different purpose
It can be a bar, a barrack, a shop, etc

Each purpose requires a different set of interior designs
(for example, a bar would have severl round tables and a bar table, a shop would have some shelfs and a shop counter etc)

Is there a way I can make it so that I save the house model and the different interior designs separately, and when in editor, I simply select the house model and applicable interior designs, so those can be reused easily?
(Otherwise I would need to save the house separately, one for bar, one for shop etc.)

Hi, I describe one method in the tutorial below - it’s aimed at rdBPtools - the concepts work without it too.