Best Video Capture Software for UE4 on a PC?

Hey fellow Devs!

I wanted to know what is everyone using for video capture software for UE4. I was using Fraps, but it doesn’t play nice with UE4 for switching between the viewports and the fact UE4 tells you not to use it in a popup =) . Any recommendations?


-use matinee
-camtasia studio
-fraps -> I mainly use fraps for my UE4 videos :slight_smile:

Hey Devero!

I use OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), it is super easy to use, can record up to 60fps at any resolution, is GPU based so it will not use up resources like fraps does, allows multiple screen captures overlayed on each other or from a webcam, can use it for live streaming, exports directly to FLV or MP4, etc, etc… I could go on… :smiley:

It’s totally free open source, and is a really great program. Would recommend it to anyone recording screen captured videos!

Here’s the link: https://obsproject/

Fraps is a standard, but it’s not the best in my opinion. Huge files.

OBS is great and free, little to NO performance hit either! I recommend OBS alongside , very good stuff it is :)…AND you can stream from it!

Thx for sharing, looks pretty good! I will test it tomorrow, probably I will get a better fps rate when I record Day Z with program :slight_smile:

If you have an Nvidia graphics card it has a called Shadowplay that runs very well. VLC media player can actually record from your screen, but performance isn’t as good. The MSI Afterburner software also has a video recording option<–these are all free options. If you want to pay money there’s actually some hardware you can buy that will record which would mean you get full performance on your PC during the demo without having to record at the same time.

Awesome, thanks for the suggestions guys!

On my way to download OBS :wink:

OBS actually uses the same codec as ShadowPlay if you have an Nvidia card (Nvidia NVENC), and also a general GPU based codec if you have AMD or don’t want to use the Nvidia codec (x264). Either way it runs really fast, barely any noticeable FPS drop. I have tested both encoders and they use up roughly the same resources. I haven’t tried comparing it to ShadowPlay yet, but I am pretty sure it will be the same performance wise.

No problem! :slight_smile:

On my old GTX 660 ti I was getting 70fps with no recording on in UE4, and 66-68 fps with OBS recording. I had used Fraps up until finding app so I was really amazed just how well it runs with UE4. I am certain you will get similar results with Day Z (and you can even overlay a webcam image of you playing it if you want! :wink: ). With my new GTX 980 it is always maxed out at 120fps, it doesn’t affect the performance at all.

Just make sure to read the instructions, it is not overly obvious how to do the screen capturing at first… Quick Hint: You need to have a Scene first, so right click and add a new one in the Scenes box. Then right click in the Sources box to add a new capture source. You can create presets (or favorites) by creating multiple Scenes, each one has it’s own set of Sources.

No problem! Hope it works well for you! :slight_smile:

OBS only has native support for NVENC and QuickSync GPU encoding. AMD VCE requires a fork of the project. That being said it is probably the best offering for video capture that is free and user-friendly while offering decent performance on CPU encoding and great performance with NVENC and QuickSync

Hi guys!

OBS look very nice, and shadowplay as well, but with both program I didn’t find the way to make them capture the playmode window only. In game mode scene, you can set up to capture UE4 editor, but I couldn’t set it to the window editor (PIE) or standalone game mode.

Thanks in advance for you help!

As to video capture software, I’m using TuneFab Screen Recorder to make video tutorial and record songs that I can’t download directly. The video and screenshot it outputs are never added watermark.