Best practices: project folder structure


I’ve just started to work with Unreal and I don’t know which “things” I have to put inside the folder Content.

What do I have to put inside the Content folder?

And also, if I have blueprint classes, where do I have to put them?


Assets, blueprint classes, enumerators, data tables, curves, function libraries, materials - everything the project is made out of. Open any template and have a look at the content browser for an example.

Some good reading:

Thanks but I read it and it doesn’t talk where to put the blueprint classes.

Hold on. Are you talking about:


Or Content Browser in the editor? When it comes to the latter, it does not matter where you put stuff, but do organise it in a logical sense:


How to organise it is project dependant but does not really matter unless there’s more people involved and they rely on finding critical elements in the usual places.

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Yes, that is why I’m asking. Because I want to put everything in the usual places.

Thanks a lot!

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I know this is old, but it’s the first result on Google, so here’s the best practices guide I found so far, for Project Folder structure, among other things:


I know this is a kind of old topic, but I am at the point of wanting to really nail down my Content/ directory structure and having read a number of threads and articles on the subject, I’m still not as confident as I would like to be before launching in.
GitHub - Allar/ue5-style-guide at v2 is probably the most often cited guide.

But right from the start, none of the reference projects I’ve seen adhere to the recommended structure: /Content/YourGameProjectName/, then e.g. below that, Maps/, Characters/, etc.

LyraStarterGame for example does not do that, but rather the top level folders are organized more or less along the same lines as the template-based projects i.e. First Person, Third Person, Vehicle, and so on.

My project from a C++ standpoint has two modules, a Base module and a “MyGame” module, with the intent that the Base module is kept generic, and the project as a whole might have more than one Game project within it, each referencing Base (i.e. /Content/MyGame/, /Content/MyGame_Sequel1/ and so on.

One of the big admonitions about structure is that you want to prevent name collisions when adding external content e.g. from Fab. Is the structure as represented by Lyra and the template starter projects already “safe” for that?

Changing structure mid-stream seems like an arduous task, so I hoped others who have already thought through and proved the effectiveness of their /Content/ organization might share their experience to help the rest of us get it right the first time.

Of course, any recommendations from EPIC would be welcome. Between your own games and what you’ve seen of how strong teams using UE have set their own “best practice” standard.