Currently I’m using a widget component set on a Base Enemy class that displays in screen space (displays name of enemy, health bar etc) and I have two types of battle sequences
- bumping into an enemy that has already spawned at level play
- an enemy that spawns at the end of a dialogue sequence
These widget components are set to be hidden on play and set to visible on battle start.
Now with the first enemy that already exists, this logic works perfectly but the enemy that spawns at the end of a dialogue sequence does not display this widget component (if I inspect the Widget Blueprint Class it shows the instance spawned with a (No Slate Brush).
My question is if there are any best practices for rendering widget components when actors are spawned at specific times? Potentially something I’ve missed?
Right now the hiding / visibility is using the same logic (I make sure to have the enemy spawned before setting their widget component to visible and have verified it during play in the inspector pane)
Currently using UE4.27