Best practices for large objects (50meters+)

Hello, I’d like to get some advice on scanning large objects larger than 50 meters in size.  Lets use a cliff as an example.  In this example we would have access to a lidar station, drone, and dslr on a tripod.  Our drone is not considered color accurate enough for texturing and we are using it mostly to capture where the lidar and ground based dslr can’t reach to get some mesh out of those regions.  In this example it is easy for us to get all sorts of angles with the drone so RC can triangulate the positions better leading to a more accurate mesh since the cameras are further apart.  Lets assume the lidar and dslr can only see the same areas. (the drone will overlap these as well)  Is it important to have a good spread between dslr camera positions as well to avoid depth calculation errors, or will RC ignore cameras that are placed at a similar position when triangulating the surface position for meshing?  Mostly asking if it is bad practice to tilt the camera around on the tripod rather than moving it a couple of feet for each image, or if the combination with the drone’s positions will eliminate any of those inaccuracies.  Does this answer change if we are not using a lidar?  If you have any other capture tips for this type of scan I would appreciate those as well.  Thanks!  :slight_smile:

Hi Joseph,

               It sounds like you have a great setup. As you suspected yes it is bad practice to tilt the camera on the tripod, this is something you actually never want to do. The cameras will not be ignored unless disabled and can cause misalignments. Combining with the drone images will not stop this occurring. As you also suggested it is a lot better to move the tripod for every picture.