Usually when you launch a game, you see the publisher’s name, then the author, “powered by UE4” and finally the menu.
I have no idea how to do that, but an option could be create levels one, for each screen. For exaple: one level for the publisher, one for the author’s logo, one for UE4 and the the Level with the Widget for the menu. Is this a good idea or are there already some best practices?
Off the top of my head, there’s a few ways that you might want to do this, depending on what you want to achieve.
For applicable platforms, a splash screen can be configured which is displayed when the game is loading. For Windows for instance, this can be configured in Edit | Project Settings → Windows | Splash | Game Splash.
There’s also a configuration for startup movies: Edit | Project Settings → Movies | Startup Movies. There’s a tutorial if you want to do that:
There’s also the configuration for a default map when you start your game. This is normally the main menu, so the default map would start up a widget with your main menu. However there’s no reason why the main menu couldn’t be configured to display a widget showing your sponsor/credit screens before showing the menu. You could, if you were really organised, have a separate map which is displayed with sponsors/credits - then goes on to load your menu map. This way of operating means you could configure your editor to load straight into the main menu, yet a packaging build would show all the splash screens. Default map is configured at Edit | Project Settings → Maps & Modes | Game Default Map.
In addition, when loading a level there’s the transition map which can be configured to load a widget with any loading display up there. If you wanted to display something whilst loading then that’s configured at Edit | Project Settings → Maps & Modes | Transition Map.
I got a question, i don’t truly understand the idea behind “GameMode” i understand this as the settings for game modes like TDM, Domination, “Snipe only” etc. But what do i do when i got a start game? I can’t predict what the user will choose, for example “TDM” etc, so what should i do ?