Best MouseLook from TopDownShooter

I want to make a mouse look Top down view isometric shooter. I’ve got all of the projectiles, health, death and player failure states, but I have yet to get the movement and aiming to a state where i’m comfortable with. I need a mouselook that allows me to use a crosshair and shoot directly at it. The movement I want is to have pressing W move you towards the crosshair but i can’t figure out how to make it do that. This is what I have so far It is driving me insane! Any help is greatly appreciated.

The convert mouse to world location returns where in the world you are clicking so doing a linetrace from there is meaningless.

Instead you can create a vector from your character towards that point by doing this:
Direction vector = normalize(mousetoworldVector-characterlocationVector)
set the forward vector to this new direction vector


calculate the angle between the two vectors and rotate that angle around the up vector as an axis.

How would i make it draw the crosshair?

Could you show an example for me, please? As i’m still very new to Unreal Engine :frowning:

Sorry, but I am not in front of a computer that has it installed. I am currently away from the office.

Could you organise it in a way with the text in this box that it would reflect the blueprint as i don’t really understand what you mean

You know where in your world the user is. That is your PL vector. Then you get a vector from the node getWorldLocationFromMouseLocation that we call TL. The vector connecting those two points we can define by doing this:
FromCharToTargetVector = TL - PL. This is basic vector math. If you dont know it, study the math.

Then, using this new vector that I will call FCTTV for short, you can ignore the z component by breaking the vector and remaking it by connexting the x and y components, leaving z as 0.0.

Now, using a node called normalize you connect the new FCTTV vector with the z component set to 0 and save this vector as NTV.

To get the angle you simply have to use the dot product node and attach the players forward vector and the NTV to this dot product node and you get the cosine value of the angle.

Finally, to do the rotation you need the angle itself so simply use the acos node on the value you just got from the dot product.

Have a look at this link: