Best combination for location based AR?

Hi all, new to Unreal. I am trying to build a location based AR kind of “treasure hunt” game with riddles and clues and want to use Unreal and not Unity simply because I will also be building VR experiences later. However, it appears that there is literally nothing anywhere about how to do anything of the sort in Unreal.

What I have seemed to have gathered is that I can import the area of my city that I want to use from Google maps and have it as my base “floor” in the game. I can then also use ARcore and perhaps Azure or something to “pin” persistent AR assets in the “real world.”

It seems that making question boxes for the clues should be easy enough but what I am really struggling with is how best to link it all? How would I go about learning how to link the “ARpins” or similar from Azure or maybe using some Google API or something, to the specific locations on the map I have imported? That is the only way I can think of to use Unreal to “play” the game in as I obviously need the location to trigger events such as new clues or new characters appearing or AR assets spawning?

All the AR assets need to be persistent and hosted in a cloud somewhere as it is a tourist game and they should be in the same place for everyone. (Although saying that, I do want players to actually be able to “collect” the assets -perhaps they turn invisible for that player but everyone else can still see them creating the illusion that they have been collected and are no longer in the world.)

Any help on what kind of workflow would be best, or which plugins to use, how to start, where to look etc would be a massive help as I am really struggling here and I am running out of time to get this started. It’s a real shame that real world location isn’t already something that can just be easily imported into a mobile game. It seems like possible the most important thing in a mobile AR experience?

I am a quick learner and happy to go through everything myself, I just need pointing in the right direction or given some idea from someone with experience on how to best go about this. As long as I can get the first one up and running, I will have more time then, and more experience, to improve.

Seriously, I’ll love you forever if you can help with this anyone please!? <3