Best Blueprint Node Organization

I present to you my organization system. Ignore the code itself as it is just an example. But I like to call it the tabbed vertical layout. It makes it every easy to read. Feel free to post your node organization system here to show it off, or comment about how you like or dislike mine. If statements vary in layout in mine. sometimes i will put the True statement higher than the rest and False statement lower. sometimes i put them both lower. It depends on if anything like loops or other ifs have already moved it up or down. Switches are impossible to organize without comment boxes.

Bind alignment options to keys, select a bunch of nodes, tap to align; otherwise the leaning towers might topple over… :innocent:

With a tower of variables like that you could consider collapsing them and giving it a name like Init Elem.

i find uncollapsing them is a pain if i’m ever chasing bugs and need access. I do use a lot of macros tho. but i would leave the leaning towers in the macros for code that is re-used. i just find the tabbed system very easy to read. and i hate ue’s default alignments of horizontal connections.

might as well having everything on the horizontal plane too. that way you can read it right to left in a chain that goes left to right.