This is my first game. It’s based on the top-down template and I am using blueprints as I am an artist. The main activity of the game involves the player spawning dozens of different low-poly objects. For instance, you can make a pile of rocks and then destroy the pile in various ways such as blowing up the pile, pushing the objects around, freezing them (turning physics off), etc.
I’ve started by making the rocks and other objects as blueprint actors. I use the character blueprint to spawn the rocks using an ‘event tick’ to ‘is input key down’ then branching to ‘SpawnActor’.
But when the player spawns even a few dozen rocks, the whole game slows down. Any advice on the best approach to creating this game? I can rebuild it fairly easily – my question is what is the best way to rebuild? Thanks!
first i would try to avoid using tick, in your case you could easily use a timer. a timer would run better and would be simple to implement.
now on to the actors themselves. how complex are the actors? do they have a ton of functionality? are the meshes very complex? basically the more actors you have and the more complex they are the slower things will be. now it could just be that the slowdown is from from spawning them in and the performance returns to normal after in which case not relying on tick should help. i would also look into using hierarchical static meshes (if your objects are just meshes) since they are way better optimized for this kind of thing.
Thanks so much for the reply. Interesting.
– I will try out the timer.
– The actors are pretty simple. Only one of them even has a blueprint with an event that changes the material on an overlap event.
I just looked up the hierarchical static meshes. I really want the player to be able to add tons of objects so this looks very promising. The question is if physics works with HSM. I will test