Best Android SDK and NDK version to compile Unreal 4.27 project for Meta Quest 2/3?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to compile a .apk for my Unreal VR project which is made with Unreal 4.27, I’ve followed a number of tutorials and basically got the APK compiling with no warnings On Android API level 29 (which IIRC is the highest officially supported by Unreal) and NDK version 21.4.7075529.

I figured this would be fine, but when I tried to upload my .apk through the Meta Quest Developer Hub, it turns out Meta won’t take anything compiled for an android version earlier than Android 32.

I’ve installed the SDK for Android 32, set SDK API level to Android-32, and swapped to NDK 23.0.7599858 and it compiled, but it still seems to compile at level 29. NDK level was set to “latest” and when I hard-set the NDK API level to android-32 I get an error saying “The NDK API requested ‘android-32’ not installed in C:/Users/c5/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/23.0.7599858/meta/platforms.json”

Can anyone point me to the correct SDK and NDK to get an Unreal 4.27 project compiling for Android 32?

EDIT: Actually the standard NDK 21.4.7075529 and Android-29 settings are just fine, the real secret to getting it to play nice with the Meta app is setting

Minimum SDK Version = 23
Target SDK Version = 32

Even if you’re only building at API 29 you can target 32 it seems

Hello, I have the same problem with my good industrial app made 2 years ago, for using newer SDK I suppose I should move project to UE 5… fortunately I have a lot of time.