Berlin flat animation test / archviz

Same for me :frowning:

thank you for sharing your project but we can’t load it :confused:

Create an empty project, save it and exit.
Reload the Launcher and go to xoio Berlin flat.
Click on Add to project and select yours, open it.
If you want to see the map itself go to open map and select it.

It doesn’t solve anything. I did that even before you telling me that! I got completely white scene and the lighting was wrong.

Beautiful photo-realism -Truly inspiring!

Hey just a couple of quick questions

Did you use 3D scanning for the bedding also? If not what kind of techniques did you use to create it
What kind of 3D scanning technology did you use?

It solves the problem FICTIONSELL commented (hopefully).

Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think the world settings match up with the way the scene was originally created. Especially the lack of AO. Maybe it’s the way you import the files into a fresh project?

Yes, now you can load it but what after if you can’t enjoy it and use it?. This should be fixed so soon since 4.6 is released now .

hey everyone!

sorry for me not responding so quick - did not get a notfication about you answering this thread!

well, i tried to open the download from the marketplace myself and here is what I did:

this is what I get - and I can assure you this is “almost” the scene you see in the animation. The only thing I changed are a bit of materials, replaced the bike - because it was not “my” modell.

to make the animation play when hitting the “play” button you would have to check the “playOnLevelLoad” parameter on the Matinee Actor :wink:

regarding the bed: i modelled it with a programm called “marvelous designer” after a technique my as my friend Juraj is describing in 3dArtist magazine issue 51.
check out his and his partner’s work at

btw: merry christmas :wink:
(some photoshop on the still image of course)


Awsome ArchVIz project.

BTW, if you make the white glow card’s material “Translucent” with opacity of 1, your light shaft from the directionLight will come through.

Thank you for uploading the Berlin flat scene. It’s great!

Great work Lasse. Did you post a tutorial on how to do this project? I have seen it somewhere , but I can’t find it now. Can you post a link here?


I can’t reproduce the shadows under the chairs in Xoio Berlin Flat, even when change preview (by default) to production building light. Can some good people help?